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Status: Alive
Age: 36 (appearance)
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Red Mage
Faction: Mullencamp

Yurius is a powerful and insane demon who once wished to end all existence. He worked with Sydney Losstarot during the Sydney Losstarot War in the First Age and Kagetsu Aurelac the Dark Andain during the Manster Rebellion in the Second Age. He was sealed away in another plane of existence by King Raistlin I during the First Banishment and by Archmage Raistlin II and Princess Galadriel Thracia during the Second Banishment although he had occasionally contacted people on the other side through means of telepathy in a bid to eventually free himself and return to bring ruin to the Land of the Living. Because of his close relationship with Sydney Losstarot, Yurius has placed his mark on Sydney's bloodline, intending to one day unite with Losstarot's descendant to realize his ambitions.

Yurius was eventually released because of the Catastrophe, and he bonded with Sydney's descendant Hannibal Losstarot whom he regards as his brother. Yurius has adopted a human guise with body proportions mimicking Hannibal and uses the name Julius Lain and Julius Losstarot to hide his true identity which is only known to a select few people in the Fourth Age.


First Age[]


Yurius's origins remain a mystery. He is presumed to have been born in the Demon Realm like most demons although it remains unclear why he was powerful as a youth and why some older demons swore allegiance to him over other demon overlords. How he ended up in the Land of the Living likewise remains a mystery. He has called Yuria his sister, but she had only been seen by his side when he posed as a prince of Manster, and thus it remains unclear if the two are truly related or if this was a case of bonding and adoption as was the case with the bond between Yurius and Sydney Losstarot.

Sydney Losstarot War[]

"You may think yourselves the victors, but this battle is far from done. Even now, I've set events in motion which will seal the doom of the earth. After Sydney's death, I located a homeless child whom he'd fathered. I put my mark upon the boy. For as long as it takes, Sydney will be born and reborn into that line, the line of direct succession, and when I walk this earth again, so shall he."
—Yurius to Raistlin I

Yurius in his adult form

During his invasion of Zeal in the First Age, the human warlord Sydney Losstarot happened across a small boy in a burning town. The boy's name was Yurius, and Sydney became fond of him, which increased greatly when he learned that Yurius had started the fire and killed everyone in the village. Yurius was later revealed to be no ordinary boy; in fact, Sydney found out that the young redhead was a powerful demon from another plane of existence. Impressed, Sydney bonded with Yurius and ended up adopting him while acting as a father figure and mentor to him. Yurius rose to become Sydney's second-in-command and later the true threat of the war.

Eventually the other nations formed a Grand Alliance and coordinated an all-out attack on Sydney's headquarters in Lea Monde, and Sydney was killed during the battle. Yurius, upon seeing the death of his master, went berserk. His rage killed thousands in Lea Monde, forcing the heroes' armies into a hasty retreat. Now the kingdoms faced a great problem: how to destroy a demon lord, a creature from another world with immense magical power. They had to think quickly, for Yurius had completely taken back Lea Monde and was intent on destroying the entire world to avenge Sydney.

It was the archmage Raistlin I, the King of Cardia, who came up with the solution. Researching ancient texts about demons and planes of existence, he came upon an interesting spell which could banish a being to another plane. With the help of his friend Britton Leonhart and several clerics, Raistlin I harnessed enough power to trap Yurius away so he could further study the spell of banishing. This First Banishment released immense magic which nearly destroyed the world: continents moved, the sea flooded the lands, and the Floating Continent of Alent fell to land in the sea, and its people forgot about Alent.

Second Age[]

"Images of Sydney flashed in his mind. The satisfaction over the face of his enemy angered him greatly those many years ago... If only Sydney was here... Or even Rage... He would have to make them all pay. Pay for killing he who should have been their god... For banishing him to that hell... For restoring peace to the hell on Earth he had worked so hard to create."
—Yurius reminiscing about Sydney Losstarot's defeat

Hundreds of years passed as the world moved on to the Second Age. In the nation of Manster, a greedy mage with great power but little knowledge unwittingly summoned Yurius from the other plane where Raistlin had banished him to. Yurius killed the mage for his trouble and then slowly took over Manster from King Kheldar who could only acquiesce. Yurius posed as a prince of 16 years of age and grew up with Yuria whom he called his sister. Yuria was eventually sent to a convent, leaving Yurius to focus on state matters and his revenge on the heirs of Cardia for banishing him a millennium prior.

Yurius was eventually revealed to be the power behind the throne of Manster and was suggested to have manipulated Kheldar into killing the true King of Manster although scholars would debate that Yurius himself slew the king personally while placing the blame on the more visible Kheldar. The demon lord was opposed in the Manster Rebellion by Agarwaen, the bastard son of the rightful King of Manster, whose title Kheldar had usurped. Agarwaen was accompanied by the Lefein engineer Daventhalas de Mont Hault, the Andain bard Leon Alcibiates, the mage Raistlin II, and a female knight named Alexis Luchester.

Kagetsu Aurelac de Maar Sul, the Dark Andain, had been accidentally released at this time through the agency of Leon, and therefore he allied himself with Yurius in the hopes of undoing the accidental bond that had been formed between himself and his liberator Leon.

Yurius's monstrous forces, including Kagetsu and the Dark Nymph Queen Aelyninya, invaded the elven kingdom of Thracia to gain access to its magic, while other generals such as Dracula made preparations elsewhere on the continent to empower Yurius's horde. The invasion forced High King Elrond Thracia and Princess Galadriel Thracia, who Agarwaen was in love with, to seek help from Agarwaen and his fellowship to face the demon threat.

In the end, Raistlin II uncovered the secret of banishment from a journal written by Raistlin I while High King Elrond's forces faced Yurius's generals in battle. Yurius was sealed away again in an event known as the Second Banishment but this time without such minor consequences as earthquakes, while his monster army was routed. However, the act cost the life of Princess Galadriel who vanished alongside Yurius, leaving her lover Agarwaen grief-stricken and planting the seeds of the House of Thracia and elven clans becoming divided in the future. Kagetsu's bond was broken due to the banishment spell unexpectedly invoking the Fifth Law of the Andain, and he went into hiding while Agarwaen became the King of Manster who began rebuilding the nation after the usurper Kheldar's fall. Yurius would remain sealed away for over a millennium.

Third Age[]

Distreyd Era[]

Divine Communication[]
"Nothing matters to me anymore. Take me, take my life, for my love has been extinguished. Riches, power, all to dust! Do as you will, my lord, for I have nothing left. I am your tool and your pawn; I give you me, utterly. Yurius!"
Daisuke Hyuga to Yurius

As the Third Age was well on its way, Yurius was contacted by a Yamatian lord named Daisuke Hyuga who, in grief and a fit of madness, wished to make a pact with him in order to slay the raiders who had killed his wife Matami Hyuga. Yurius agreed, and Daisuke's Palace was covered in darkness.

This act did not free Yurius but it gave him a means to contact other magically potent people via telepathy. A few years later the demon eventually managed to contact a mage named Richelieu and began manipulating him.

Gathering Pawns[]
"why do you argue? you want this. we both know this. you shall be my eyes to this world, and you shall be my hand. i will be your guide."
"Are you...a servant of Mardük?"
"no. i serve fate. it is what must be."
—Yurius and Richelieu

In 1006 AE, Yurius's voice warned the meditating Richelieu about the minions of Kareth d'Zarnagon who had come to arrest Richelieu. The demon urged Richelieu to travel to Remon where he would meet with Jemuel and, more importantly, Omaroch d'Zarnagon who had been a loyal supporter of a cause with which Yurius agreed. Yurius wanted to set the dark god Mardük free, which in turn would fuel the magic that would release Yurius from his prison.

However, things turned for the worse when the Godslayer appeared and devoured Mardük during the Second Battle of Kageshima that marked the beginning of the Cataclysm. Although other demons poured into the world from the gate Mardük had managed to summon before his demise, Yurius had not gathered enough energy from the dark god to get out of his ethereal prison.

He did notice the ambitions of the archdemon Malphas d'Xuvadon, however, and began using him as one of his pawns in a bid to free himself. He also contacted other potentially useful people who he began manipulating in different guises: these people included the witch Etna Matheson of the Matheson Crime Family, the somewhat crazy elf Ned from a mercenary group called The Three, and the Sarquil cleric Azriel al-Zarar of the Sultanate of Karaganda.

Godslayer Era[]

More info later.

Fourth Age[]

More info later.

Aliases and Nicknames[]

Demon King
What Khellendros and the dragons call him.
A spot-on nickname given to Yurius by his allies and enemies. Yurius liked to destroy stuff without regard to if some of his allies died as well.
Julius Lain
His alias while traveling incognito with the disguised Hannibal Losstarot.
Julius Losstarot
A name given to him by Hannibal so he can hide his true identity while presenting himself as Hannibal's brother.
Lord of Chaos
What demons serving him called him during the Manster Rebellion.
Prince of Trinity Gask
A title given to him by Hannibal as his brother although Yurius himself seems to not refer to himself as such and views Hannibal as the sole ruler.
A fond nickname given by Nozomi Mizushima.


Yurius's appearance has changed throughout the years. He originally appeared as a young boy but he took an adult form when his true identity as a demon was discovered. He liked fire and thus he often appeared in red robes, with red hair and glowing, red eyes. His human form might have been handsome in human standards if he had not been grinning evilly all the time.

Personality and Traits[]

"He believes he is right, that he is justified. He kills for enjoyment, but he wants revenge even more. I bear the name of one of the magi that banished him long ago, and he would do anything to get at me."
Raistlin II about Yurius

Yurius acted like a total psycho during his preteen and teenager years. He killed anyone who annoyed him, and he loved to torture people (especially women) and see how far the human and elven bodies could go in various torture devices. The only one he ever seemed to respect when he was younger was Sydney Losstarot who was just as insane as him but less powerful; he seemed to really care for Sydney as he went into a mad grieving rage when he was killed. Yurius plotted revenge against the descendants and successors of the heroes who had slain his "father," and he would stop at nothing to make them suffer.

After his Second Banishment, Yurius has turned somewhat more cautious in an effort to manipulate several individuals to free him. After being freed, Yurius's brotherly bond with Sydney and Arawn's descendant Hannibal--as well as Hannibal's insistence on teaching knightly virtues to him--has seemingly softened him somewhat although a trace of sadism still exists within him whenever he protects his loved ones from harm. Despite this darkness, his relationship with several women--including Aurora, Beleth, Freyja, and Nozomi--has shown people a rough if tender side of him as he tries to mimic Hannibal's behavior when it comes to treating his ladies well despite his passions. Even so, the fire within remains as embers and could be lit again should anything irreversible happen to his brother or the mother of his children.

He does not like carrots and avoids eating them.

Powers and Abilities[]

"For he himself was great in his own ways. Great in magic, great in power, great in mind. But he was not one of reputation. More of rumour. His existence among myths. His magic was great. His powers ranged from manipulation and creation of fire, to petrification of men, to levitation, and yet even to more darker powers...for he had powers even demons shuddered before. And yet, to them all, he appeared a boy in his six and tenth year."
—A description of Yurius's powers

Yurius could cast devastating spells and rip apart an entire army bare-handed without using any spells whatsoever. This often made people classify him as a red mage, although he was more powerful than any red mage, black mage or warrior.


Abyzou Kilili[]

Yurius ignored Abyzou during their journey in Valencia, but circumstances led to them getting intimate as part of a blood cleansing ritual. He found himself enjoying the touch of an experienced succubus but there was no true love involved, only physical pleasure. Even so, he felt that she served her purpose in helping him understand demon women better compared to non-demon women.


Yurius disliked Agarwaen immensely, seeing in him the same qualities as the heroes of old that had opposed his master in the past. His dislike only grew when Agarwaen helped contribute to the fall of Yurius's generals as well as the sealing of Yurius himself, separating the demon lord from Yuria for over a millennium.

Aurora Losstarot[]

Yurius was initially annoyed by Aurora when she came to detain him and Hannibal. This dislike grew briefly when he noticed the attraction between her and Hannibal and felt like she was taking Hannibal away from him. However, his talk with Hannibal and a sensual deal with Aurora eventually softened his stance on Aurora once he realized how much she meant to Hannibal who had genuinely fallen in love with her. His feelings eventually turned into a sort of protective sense of brotherly concern as well as erotic desire as he sensed a curious aura of chaos in Aurora that drew him towards her like a moth to a flame.

Batibat Gallu[]

Yurius found Batibat an odd anomaly until he figured out that she had demonic ancestry. Upon learning of the young half-demon's machinations, however, and how those schemes had hurt Hannibal, Aurora and Lark, Yurius made it clear to Batibat that she would have to pay her due to earn penance in his eyes, intending her to become a servant to his whims until her debt has been paid. He is cold towards the mudblood woman, viewing her as a commodity and a tool to be used to further his and Hannibal's aims.

Beleth Hecate[]

Yurius was initially surprised and annoyed by Beleth recognizing his demonic aura despite his human disguise, but the blind demoness proved her worth to him when she lent him her weapon during the battle against the monstrous Erebus. His fascination with her grew when he learned whatever sparse details he could about her, leading to an intimate encounter during a blood cleansing ritual. Realizing Beleth's potential, Yurius proposed that she and her mates surrender themselves to him as his lovers and soldiers in exchange for him providing them with a sanctuary agains those who would want them harm. Before she could hear Beleth's answer, the girl was kidnapped by another demon, leaving the question and its resolution up in the air for now.

Daisuke Hyuga[]

Yurius granted his dark blessing on the desperate warlord Daisuke Hyuga, who had been invoking him to gain enough power to avenge the death of his wife, in exchange for the samurai lord's eternal servitude. The blessing twisted Daisuke and claimed him and his palace to await for a time when his demonic master might require his services.

Etna Matheson[]

Etna invoked Yurius's magic to gain more knowledge on spellcraft to fend against competition in her scheming family. Yurius saw potential in the unpredictable Etna and granted her a portion of his power in exchange for some of her magic feeding him. This proved to be a sound decision as her magic reserves helped Yurius survive the weakening of demons after the Catastrophe. The two of them have not met, and Etna has seemingly forgotten her pact as she had her family; Yurius, however, never forgets oath made in his name and expects to be recompensated in the time of his choosing.

Freyja von Waldheim[]

Yurius was initially uninterested in Freyja, viewing her as just another boorish elf. However, his views began changing once he realized that she had become friends with both his Nozomi and Hannibal's Aurora. He has chosen to take her under his wing and protect her like he does with select few people. Freyja herself appears to get along with Yurius well even after being made aware of his demonic nature and past as she judges him the way he is today than the way he acted in the past.

Galadriel Thracia[]

Yurius saw Galadriel, Princess of Thracia, as just another elven damsel in distress. However, Galadriel surprised him with her bravery and her willingness to fuel Raistlin II's spell with her own lifeforce to ensure that Yurius would be banished like during Raistlin I's time except this time without world-ending consequences. Yurius was angered that the princess's meddling had separated him from his sister, and he cursed the Thracian bloodline for interfering, claiming Galadriel's life in the Land of the Living and in so doing ensuring the fall of the House of Thracia into separate bickering elven kingdoms.

Hannibal Losstarot[]

Hannibal has formed a strong bond with Yurius, whom he calls Julius to hide his true demonic identity. Yurius is fond of Hannibal and has never strayed from his side since they began working together in the Fourth Age. They address each other as brothers although there are no known records of Hannibal ever having a brother, so they are merely viewed as blood brothers and Julius filling up the advisor role for Hannibal by most people. Yurius is possessive of Hannibal, which led to his initial suspicions of Aurora's motives regarding her relationship with Hannibal. He also wishes to protect Hannibal from the machinations of other demons.

Kagetsu Aurelac de Maar Sul[]

Kagetsu and Yurius allied out of necessity. Both planned to use the other for their own ends, but they did not wish to attack each other openly as both were immensely powerful beings. Their alliance was quite successful for a while until Yurius was sealed away the second time, and Kagetsu would soon forget Yurius who was of no further use for him.


Yurius entered Kheldar's court in Manster in his teenager form. Records are unclear on whether he urged Kheldar to kill his brother, the reigning king, and usurp power, or if he only joined once Kheldar had committed his crime. Either way, Yurius quickly manipulated his way to becoming Kheldar's trusted advisor and the true power behind the throne who used the weak-willed but ambitious usurper king as his puppet. He wept no tears when Kheldar was slain by the fellowship.

Lamashtu Gallu[]

Yurius took note of Lamashtu during their first meeting in Valencia, and a spark appeared between them that helped in part to stir Lamashtu from her deep depression. Yurius is unclear what to make of this, especially once he learned of Lamashtu's origins, but he has not given her too much thought since even though her eyes appear in his dreams still.

Leon Alcibiates[]

Yurius underestimated Leon and saw him as a weakling, only learning later that the frail man was in fact a rare Andain in the Second Age who wanted to change the world. Leon made a blood oath to put an end to Yurius and the strife in Manster to honor the memory of Leon's slain friend Hiroshi Hayabusa, and this oath led to Leon helping Raistlin II and Princess Galadriel to seal Yurius again in the Second Banishment.

Malphas d'Xuvadon[]

Yurius used Malphas during the Godslayer Era. He hoped that an ambitious demon like Malphas could actually cause enough destruction which would help Yurius break free of his prison at long last. It also helped that both Malphas and Yurius seemed to be likeminded, and Yurius had so far been pleased with the actions of Malphas's Northern Horde.

Nozomi Mizushima[]

Yurius found love in the most unexpected place imaginable: in the arms of the kitsune rogue Nozomi known as Lark. He had difficulties adjusting to these feelings, unsure if they could be considered love or simply desire as he found mating with the girl a nice pastime. Despite his bravado, he has been acting knightly towards her and has done his utmost to protect her once they managed to settle their differences in a violent and erotic fight in their monstrous demon and youko kitsune forms. Nozomi, despite warming up to Yurius, has found some of his callous and ruthless actions troubling, putting a dent in their otherwise passionate relationship. Similarly Yurius's desire for offspring has left the kitsune woman uncertain if she wishes to become a mother yet instead of enjoying a free life.

Raistlin I[]

Yurius actively despised Raistlin I for killing his father figure Sydney and for sealing him away during the First Age. Before the First Banishment, he took great pleasure in revealing his plan of spreading his mark among Sydney's numerous descendants, leading to Raistlin's frantic search to find and kill each descendant of Losstarot, which would have great ramifications to this world and would lead to Raistlin's own demise at the hands of Sydney's grandson Rhys Lain.

Raistlin II[]

Yurius recognized Raistlin II as the first Raistlin's successor a millennium later. He underestimated Raistlin II's mastery of magic to his peril as Raistlin II, with help from Leon and Princess Galadriel, ultimately sealed Yurius away. Yurius cursed Raistlin II's bloodline, intending to make sure that Raistlin I's legacy would never return to haunt him the next time he returned to the world, and his prophecy became true as Raistlin II died in the Explosion that ended the Second Age.

Refan d'Zarnagon[]

Yurius has had intense interactions with Refan. He seems to instinctively intimidate the half-demon, yet he has offered Refan's pack a chance to join their family with his so they can become a group of lovers like demons of old and expecting the pack to swear allegiance to Trinity Gask in exchange for a sanctuary from forces that would wish them harm. Refan feels anxious around the intense redhead but realizes that he may have developing feelings for Yurius much to his confusion.


Yurius contacted Richelieu by the means of telepathy. He was responsible for leading Richelieu to Remon where he met with Jemuel. Yurius wanted to use Richelieu as his hand, but things got more complicated when the Cataclysm took place and Richelieu did not have as much time to meditate and communicate with Yurius anymore.

Sydney Losstarot[]

Yurius considered Sydney as a father figure for some twisted reason, and oddly enough Sydney began considering him as his son. Maybe the two connected on a spiritual level, or maybe there was some general fondness all along, but the records do not reveal anything more specific about their relationship. All that is known is that Yurius became furious when he heard of Sydney's death and would have destroyed the entire world in revenge, or possibly grief, if he had not been sealed away.


Yurius is fond of his twin sister Yuria who he was briefly reunited with during his Second Age schemes in Manster. He has since lost her and intends to find out what has become of her despite over a millennium of world-changing events separating the two siblings.

See also[]
