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Gerard Aurelac
Gerard160 Third Age
Status: Alive
Age: 34
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Paladin
King of Maar Sul
Reign Since 1017 AE
Predecessor Leon Alcibiates
Spouse Elena Jeremy
House House of Aurelac
Father Kagetsu II
Born 1003 AE
"It is with a heavy heart that I accept the crown at this age. In a kinder world, I would still have a father to lead you through these troubled times."
—Gerard Aurelac to the court of Maar Sul City

King Gerard Aurelac de Maar Sul is the present ruler of West Maar Sul in the Fourth Age and one of the heads of the House of Aurelac. He is the son of Kagetsu II, cousin and rival of King Geraden Aurelac of East Maar Sul, and successor of regent Leon Alcibiates. Gerard played a crucial role in capturing Andrei Pronin during the Second Battle of Maar Sul in the Third Age. He was kidnapped not long after by Xerathas d'Zarnagon but eventually managed to break free from his geas during the Battle of Vanna. Following the split of Maar Sul into East and West Maar Sul, Gerard and his family have settled into his wife Elena Aurelac's home city Hellespont.


Third Age[]

Early Years[]

Gerard Aurelac was born to the House of Aurelac in Maar Sul City. He lost his father, King Kagetsu II, at a very young age during the First Great War and was raised instead by Miyuki Ofuchi and Leon Alcibiates whom Kagetsu had chosen as regent in the event of his passing. He was tutored daily in statecraft by such nobles as Ademar Wisteria, and in swordplay by "Steve the Nameless." Because Gerard was not yet old enough to assume power, he let Leon act in his stead as the Crown Prince of Maar Sul.

Godslayer Era[]

Proninist Conflict[]
"Tomorrow, the Proninists will reach the city. Tomorrow, they will seek to destroy a nation older than time. Tomorrow, they will seek to put to death the last remnants of a free and independent Scundia, who have been our peaceful neighbors for so long. And tomorrow....THEY SHALL FAIL! If Andrei Pronin wishes to combat us with Aurelac magic, by all the gods I shall show him how it's done!"
—Gerard to the Maar Sulais court

King Khasra III and a few loyal Scuns fled to Maar Sul City when the Proninist Party led by Andrei Pronin, a bastard from a distant Aurelac lineage, invaded Scundia in 1016 AE. The Scundian king became fast friends with young Prince Gerard, and Gerard began idolizing Khasra so that he even began growing a beard to mimic Khasra's leonine looks. He, Khasra and Leon came up with a strategy to beat the Proninists who were trying to conquer Victoire.

However, the Second Battle of Victoire ended badly. On Gerard's 13th birthday, the remnants of the Maar Sulais Reinforcement Army were beaten back to Maar Sul City. The Proninists had succeeded in their goals and were now preparing to besiege the Maar Sulais capital itself. A year-long war of attrition began, and the war remained in a stalemate.

Although only 14 years old and thus three years short of legal majority, Gerard was convinced to assume the crown early in response to the Proninist threat. He quickly showed his panache by devising a successful battle plan for defeating the Proninists who assaulted the capital in 1017 AE. The plan was successful, and Gerard and his companions managed to capture the Proninist leader, Andrei Pronin, after Pronin had become stuck in wolf form during his feral duel against wolf-shape Gerard. This caused a large fragmentation of the Proninist Party, but was not enough to drive them out of Maar Sul entirely.

After the battle, Alistair Wisteria resigned as Head of SAVAGE's Covert Operations department in order to embark on a covert operation with the Fellowship of Maar Sul. Alistair was replaced by his sister-in-law, Siobrach Wisteria. Since it was barely even physically possible for Gerard to father children at the time, he had no proper heir should anything happen to him, so he appointed his own predecessor, Leon Alcibiates, as Crown Prince. Leon was not amused.

Adventures Abroad[]

More info later.

Long Way Home[]

Gerard accompanied Despard Silverbranch, who had injured his leg in the battle against Sultana Adela and Grand Vizier Iblis's forces, back to Maar Sul after the battle had ended. The king wished the Alliance group good luck in its dealings with Alent and hoped that they would be able to cement a tentative peace between the two factions so that Maar Sul could have one less potential enemy to worry about.

Gerard and Despard ended up in Jardine where they learned that its rightful ruler Amarawyn Jardine had ended up in a forced marriage with Galeras Matheson who was the true power in the city. They understood that the city which had funded the Proninist invasion of Maar Sul had actually been the Mathesons, and this revelation forced them to lie low in case Galeras's men recognized Gerard. The king didn't want to risk getting caught and allow Galeras to further weaken Maar Sul on behalf of the Matheson Crime Family.

The king and Despard were in luck when they ended up having a chance meeting with the Fellowship of Fragnar, a group led by King Marcus's advisor Shyralis which had teleported to the city from Remon. The two groups exchanged information, Gerard and Despard revealing where Marcus was currently in and Shyralis informing them of the recent outbreak of the Plague of Undeath in Remon. Realizing that neither his group nor Shyralis's could continue their respective journeys as long as the Mathesons controlled Jardine, they devised a plan to free Amarawyn from the Jardine manor and neutralize Galeras's forces.

After they had given as much intel to Shyralis's group as possible, Gerard wished them good luck and remained behind to oversee the undercover agents of the Blades of Vigilance who were keeping him away from Matheson eyes. Although he would've wanted to accompany Shyralis on her mission, he understood how important it was for him to stay out of sight until Galeras had been dealt with and the city restored to its rightful ruler, Amarawyn Jardine.

Stuck in Jardine, Gerard waited for the return of Shyralis's group from Amarawyn's manor. He knew that if the group failed to free Amarawyn, he would never be able to reach his capital alive. He had no choice but to wait and hope that none of Galeras's goons would figure out that he was hiding in the city.

Shyralis's group was successful in its mission to free Amarawyn, and Gerard helped the Lady Jardine rally the people of Jardine to defeat Galeras's forces. The Matheson lord was captured and Amarawyn restored to power. Gerard and Amarawyn bid farewell to Shyralis's group which continued its journey to Libaterra. Gerard and Despard also left Jardine, heading back to the Maar Sulais capital.

Deceiver's Gambit[]

Gerard and Despard returned safely to Maar Sul City and learned that news of the Plague of Undeath had forced the majority of the Alliance's elven forces to return to Remon under the leadership of Lord Krisler Garside to save any survivors in the now plague-ridden land. This sudden departure of elves had deprived the Alliance of many of its fine soldiers, and Gerard was troubled by these news as it meant the war against the Coalition would be drawn out on Maar Sulais soil. However, he was happy to see that his consort Elena had handled administration admirably in the capital in his absence, making him all the more fond of her.

The boy king also knew that Xerathas, the High Prophet of the Grey Cult who had kidnapped him prior to the adventure in Vanna, was still somewhere out there and had to be brought to justice for his crimes. He felt that no matter where he looked, trouble would follow.

Fourth Age[]

Interim Years[]

More troubles would hit Maar Sul later in the same year when the Catastrophe shattered the world and ended both the Second Great War against Glaurung Losstarot's Crimson Coalition as well as against demons as the Fourth Age dawned. To make matters worse, the weakened Maar Sul faced an enemy from within as the True Aurelac faction rose in numbers and stormed the capital, proclaiming the faction's leader, the long-lost Prince Geraden Aurelac, Gerard's cousin, as the rightful king who would turn Maar Sul into the strong nation it had been prior to the Yamatian invasion that had led to the deaths of King Remy Aurelac and Princess Réin Aurelac.

Facing Geraden's loyal veterans, Gerard, his young bride and their closest allies had no choice but to flee the invaded capital but not before Gerard took the relics of the crown with him to deny Geraden access to them as his loyalists fled to Elena's home city of Hellespont. Furious about this perceived betrayal and his cousin not bending the knee, Geraden tried to claim the relics back but faced fierce resistance from Gerard's loyalists who stood their ground. This division led to Maar Sul splitting into two kingdoms: East Maar Sul ruled by King Geraden from Maar Sul City, and West Maar Sul ruled by King Gerard from Hellespont.

Despite the two armies' animosity, they soon faced an even more dire threat as the Wretched undead, created by the Plague of Undeath, began attacking both kingdoms from the mountaineous areas of the east as the former continents of Maar Sul and Northern Remon had become joined in the Catastrophe. Realizing that collaboration under a temporary truce would be their only option, the rival armies worked hard to contain the undead threat and the plague from spreading and constructed the wall to watch over the far eastern lands to prevent any undead from crossing over. Once the Wretched had been contained, Gerard and Geraden's forces resumed their conflict for the right to sit on the throne of Maar Sul. Gerard found himself losing notable allies during this time such as Leon Alcibiates's and Despard Silverbranch's families whom Geraden had exiled to Scundia as part of the truce. The young king also realized that the House of Wisteria, his father's staunchest allies, had sided with Geraden as their loyalty was to the throne of Maar Sul and the Aurelac sitting on it first and foremost.

As Gerard and Elena reached adulthood in the ensuing years, they were blessed with several children--among them Princes Loring Aurelac, Damian Aurelac, Gareth Aurelac, and Princess Grace Aurelac--who possessed the Aurelac ability to shapeshift into a wolf form. They were also joined by other family members in Hellespont: the family of Kagetsu II's cousin Lilith Aurelac that included her granddaughter Lillian Aurelac.

Blood Draws Blood[]

In 20 AC, a stray dire wolf was found rampaging near Hellespont. The older and wiser Gerard decided to face the stray in wolf form and eventually bested the younger wolf who was revealed as the seeming peasant Geoffrey Wolfe once he transformed back into human form. Upon further examination and a revelation from Geoffrey's innate memories, Gerard realized that Geoffrey was no stray at all but a long-lost Aurelac descendant named Artorius Aurelac. Feeling kinship with the young man, the king had Artorius train with Lillian Aurelac and would use him as one of his soldiers on the battlefield against Geraden's forces.

Aliases and Nicknames[]

King of West Maar Sul
Gerard's present title as the ruler of West Maar Sul.
Gerard's alias while he was trapped in a wolf form.
Prince Royal
Gerard's title before he began his reign as a king.


A blond, cute guy clad in dark clothes. As a teenager he tried to grow a beard to imitate his idol Khasra III but has so far had little success with it.

Personality and Traits[]

Gerard is a determined leader and fiercely loyal to his friends and loved ones. Wedding and providing a proper heir was high on Gerard's list of priorities as a boy king, but at the time his hormones almost made him screw a pile of rocks if he thought there was a snake in there. He was, after all, 14 at the time. His favourite colour is, green! AUUUUUUUGH!

Powers and Abilities[]

Gerard is quite skilled in swordplay, and he is also a good strategist. He also has an ability to shapeshift into a black wolf, which he has inherited by being blood-related to the first Aurelac, Kagetsu I.


Despard Silverbranch[]

Since the Battle of Vanna, Despard has acted as Gerard's military advisor and bodyguard, protecting the boy king with his life. Gerard trusts Despard with his life, and Despard wants to make sure that Gerard reaches adulthood and learns to access his powers.

Elena Aurelac[]

Gerard and Elena were childhood sweethearts who had been betrothed longer than that. As they grew up and their bond deepened, Elena proved herself an astounding, smart and tough queen who Gerard can be proud of.

Geraden Aurelac[]

Gerard's feelings about his cousin Geraden are mixed. On the one hand the man is his rival for the throne but on the other hand they are family and should be working together instead of against each other. Despite this kinship, Gerard is nevertheless determined to reclaim Maar Sul City and the throne from his usurper cousin and restore Maar Sul as one nation.

Leon Alcibiates[]

Leon acted as Gerard's mentor for over a decade, and Gerard still appreciates his counsel and views him as a father figure, so much so that he has made Leon heir apparent should anything happen to him. Leon always believed that Gerard would become a good king but sadly could not see it in person when he was exiled by Geraden to Scundia once Geraden had forced Gerard into exile in Hellespont.

Kagetsu Aurelac II[]

Gerard was an infant when his father, King Kagetsu II, died. Thus what he knows of him comes from the lips of those who had known him and from chronicles. He wishes to live up to his father's legacy and be a worthy ruler of Maar Sul.

Khasra Mallorein III[]

Gerard idolizes Khasra and has tried to unsuccessfully grow a beard similar to his. Khasra is fond of the young king and gets along with him well.

Xerathas d'Zarnagon[]

Xerathas attacked Gerard in Maar Sul City and turned him into a wolf which was given the alias of Lobo. Gerard was not pleased by this but was under a geas to obey Xerathas until he was freed from the mage's spell. Since then Gerard has viewed the Grey Cult with suspicion and has sworn to show no kindness to his kidnappers.

See also[]

Gerard Aurelac
House of Aurelac
Born: 1003 AE
Regnal titles
Preceded by
Leon Alcibiates
as Prince Regent
King of Maar Sul
1017 AE—present
Succeeded by